At a Glance
Category: Yarn
Available in English
All levels
Over 13+ years old
In this embroidery class, you will learn how to create a custom checkered pattern patch using some basic embroidery skills and a little creativity! We will go over the basics of embroidery using D.M.C. embroidery floss, including how to thread your needle, set your fabric, create a satin stitch and more. Plus, you'll see how to finish your patch and even apply an iron-on backing as an optional step.
Loops & Threads™ Wooden Embroidery Hoop
1 Required
DMC® Needle Threader
1 Required
Total Items:
D.M.C Embroidery Floss Colors Shown: Bright Green (#12) Olive Green (#581) Burnt Orange (#729) Light Pink (#3779) D.M.C Embroidery Needles Item # 402667632409083923 D.M.C Needle Threader Item # 10357939 Loops & Threads Wooden Embroidery Hoop Item # 10124152 Canvas Fabric, Dropcloth Fabric or Felt Material are all options for a similar looking material Scissors Black Ink Pen Ruler Iron