How would you like to get it?
Put your academic
accomplishments center stage with graduation frames from Michaels. Our
graduation picture frames include options with space for certificates, tassels
and photos, letting you incorporate your accomplishments into your home or
office decor. Choose simple black graduation frames with
white matting to showcase high school and college diplomas, or pick gilded or
silver framing to highlight awards and other marks of excellence.
Use graduation frames as a simple yet elegant component of your wall decor.
Float frames add a 3D element to your diploma displays, while document frames
with chiseled edges lend modern flair to your space. Options with mahogany,
black and gold bring classic beauty to our graduation picture frames, making
them ideal for hanging in spaces featuring traditional furnishings.
To showcase multiple diplomas or certifications in your workspace, select frame multipacks to give your wall a cohesive
look. Alternatively, put these document frames to work at your business when
you want to highlight employees who excel at customer service or meet sales
goals. No matter if you need graduation picture frames to accommodate 8x10 or
11x14 documents, Michaels has what you need to display your diploma in
contemporary style.
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